Package Acquisition
package Acquisition
ClassDescriptionMain data acquisition control to get audio data from sound cards, NI cards (via UDP), files, directories of files, etc.Very simplified version of the Acquisition parameters to be passed over the JNI to the C backend.Main dialog for acquisition control.Very simple concrete implementation of SQLLogging to log the starts and stops of PAMGUARD in the database.Data acquisition process for all types of input device.Better management of new data list.Interface allowing individual devices to provide their own channel list panel.Class for converting channel indexes and numbers to hydrophones for the main PAMGAURD DAQ.Data unit containing information on run starts and stops.Abstraction to multiple data acquisition devices.Interface for External DAQ SystemsOdd little class that tries to stop all of the settings for every possible daq system being output to xml by only accepting them if they are the selected system type of at least one daq module.Class to remove DC offset from audio data.Used by FileInputSystemImplementation of DaqSystem for reading data from audio files.Control parameters for FolderInputSystemRead multiple files in sequence.A data acquisition system that uses an Ocean Sonics icListen to acquire the data to be streamed to and used by PAMGUARD.Data source for Raw acoustic data.Bespoke system for handling data from the Rona hydrophone array which consists of sets of seven files, each with different ends in th ename.Used by SoundCardSystemEverything and everything to do with controlling and reading sound cards.